Tuesday, June 29, 2010

wait until dark...

I finally saw Wait Until Dark. I think at one point in my life I decided I was never going to see it (I am way on the wimpy side when it comes to scary movies). But now I'm glad I've seen it! Some things I loved about it--hope this doesn't spoil it for anyone reading:

1. Most of the action takes place in this one apartment, mostly in the same room.

2. I loved how the movie actors had to act in the script--does that make sense? They had to act to convince Audrey Hepburn, or Susy, that they were people doing things that they really weren't. And sometimes they blew it, and she realized and figured out the whole plot!

3. One of the mildly bad guys (?) who didn't care if he had to hurt someone to get the job done ends up, I think, falling for Susy and protecting her. I really wish he hadn't had to have gotten killed by the really bad guy.

4. I like Susy's outfits. That might go without saying since it's Audrey Hepburn, but then again I don't think I really loved her outfits in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

5. There's a part where she becomes friends with the little girl upstairs who ends up helping to save her life. Aw.

And that is why I call my blog "random thoughts." Thanks for reading! :)

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