Wednesday, July 7, 2010


It all started with the picture on my desk. It's a watercolor print and I love the colors in it. I was thinking how cool that would be if the colors in my room matched the colors of the picture. I thought maybe I could paint the furniture blue. In our basement we have half-used cans of paint, so I went hunting. All I came up with was yellow--or spiced butternut, to be exact. I thought it would work! So...

I woke up and took everything out of my drawers. Should I just do the bookshelf too since I'm taking all day to do the dresser anyway? Okay. Took all the books off my bookshelf (and there are a lot--binders and stuff. I need to get rid of some. But that's for another day!) and put everything on my bed or in a box. My room looked more spacious when I took the furniture out to the garage. It was a little windy this morning, so my mom suggested that I do it in there. She helped me get started and by 9:30ish am the primer coat was done! It took a little longer than I thought--of course. Layer 1 of yellow at noon, and I just finished the second layer! I'm so excited to see what it looks like when we move it back in my room at 10 tonight!

I keep wondering what will happen to that newly-painted furniture when I leave. Will it stay in "my" room? Will someone repaint it? Will I take out all my belongings and box them up so someone else can use my room?

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